Azure Functions, Neo4j and Dependency Injection

By Charlotte

TL;DR; – It’s on GitHub: You, just now I know what you’re thinking, that is an exciting headline, and you’re right! Back in May… May 2018 (!!!) I wrote a blog post about using the Neo4j Driver with Azure Functions – and well, things have moved on a bit since then. Largely the code…

Power BI connector – Auto Refresh!

By Charlotte

The oldest bug (and indeed first) for the Power BI Connector for Neo4j is about how you can’t do an Auto-Refresh on the server side of Power BI. I’ve tried many things, but, it’s taken until now to get to where I think I have it working. TL;DR; Use the 2.0.0 version of the connector…

Running Neo4j as a Service on Windows Server 2019 Core

By Charlotte

I know most of you will be here for the EPIC title picture, the dinosaurs are from – I hope she isn’t too disappointed 😮 The other art, well, that’s all mine… if you want graph information – feel free to ask, and if after seeing that picture you want art – let’s talk!…

Running Neo4j on a Windows Server 2019 Core Server

By Charlotte

One of the things which puts people off of Windows (and this likely won’t solve it, but hey!) is that it’s seen as BLOATWARE. Needing lots of RAM just to start up. Largely, that’s due to the UI, and whilst personally, I’m ok with the trade off (I think 2GB to be able to see…

Neo4j 4.2 Reads on the Leader

By Charlotte

Neo4j’s cluster setup is great for ease of understanding and use, but it had one weakness that affected a particular use case. The use case is the user who wants the High Availability (HA) of a cluster, but is not actually doing a large amount of transactions, or is doing something like a batch load…

Testing Neo4j.Driver (4.1.1) Part 2 – Session Config

By Charlotte

In my previous post we showed how we could test a few different areas of the Neo4j.Driver nuget package. One area we didn’t touch was the SessionConfig – as part of the IAsyncSession. Now, for the most part – things are done in interfaces, which makes our lives easier – as we can Mock them…

Testing Neo4j.Driver (4.1.1) Part 1

By Charlotte

There are a few challenges when dealing with the official Neo4j.Driver when it comes to testing, over a period of time, I’ve hit a few of them, and thought it would be good to share them with you. TL;DR; This is all be available on GitHub So, let’s write a method, in which we pass…

Using Neo4j.Driver? Now you can EXTEND it!

By Charlotte

Hot on the heels of Neo4jClient 4.0.0, I was doing some work with the Neo4j.Driver (the official client for Neo4j), and in doing so, I realised I was writing a lot of boiler plate code. So I started adding extension methods to help me, and as my extension methods became more involved, I moved them…

Neo4jClient 4.0

By Charlotte

After what probably seems like ages to you (and indeed me) Neo4jClient 4.0 has finally left the pre-release stages and is now in a stable release. Being a major version change, that means there are breaking changes, and you should be in the process of testing stuff before you just use it. Having said that,…

Neo4j 4.0 is around the corner and I want to use SSIS with it. Can I?

By Charlotte

Yes! That’s the TL;DR; out of the way 🙂 The slightly longer version is that you need to use the version of the Neo4j SSIS Components. This is the main change to the components for – there are a couple of things tidied up and hopefully a smoother experience with the syntax highlighting…