Taking CosmosDB and pushing to Neo4j

By Charlotte

TL; DR.The project reads data from a CosmosDB instance, and inserts it into Neo4j – there’s no clever ‘re-modeling’ – just a simple push in. Have a look at the project site for more info! Technology moves fast, and decisions of the past may not be great for solutions of the future, it might be…

Azure Functions, Neo4j and Dependency Injection

By Charlotte

TL;DR; – It’s on GitHub: https://github.com/cskardon/Neo4jDriverWithAzureFunctionsDI You, just now I know what you’re thinking, that is an exciting headline, and you’re right! Back in May… May 2018 (!!!) I wrote a blog post about using the Neo4j Driver with Azure Functions – and well, things have moved on a bit since then. Largely the code…

Testing Neo4j.Driver (4.1.1) Part 2 – Session Config

By Charlotte

In my previous post we showed how we could test a few different areas of the Neo4j.Driver nuget package. One area we didn’t touch was the SessionConfig – as part of the IAsyncSession. Now, for the most part – things are done in interfaces, which makes our lives easier – as we can Mock them…

Neo4jClient 4.0

By Charlotte

After what probably seems like ages to you (and indeed me) Neo4jClient 4.0 has finally left the pre-release stages and is now in a stable release. Being a major version change, that means there are breaking changes, and you should be in the process of testing stuff before you just use it. Having said that,…

Reactive Neo4j using .NET

By Charlotte

Version 4.0 of Neo4j is being actively worked on, and aside from the new things in the database itself, the drivers get an update as well – and one of the big updates is the addition of a Reactive way to develop against the DB. Now – I’ve not done reactive programming for a long…

Excel & Neo4j? Let’s code that! (VSTO edition)

By Charlotte

So you have a new Graph Database, it’s looking snazzy and graphy and all that, but, well – you really want to see it in a tabular format, ‘cos you’ve got this Excel program hanging about, and well – who doesn’t love a bit of tabular data? Obviously there are loads of reasons why you…

Managed Application Framework – Part 1 – The Beginnings!

By Charlotte

Last week I was tasked with developing a new App for the guys I work with, (not a developers app you understand, but for actual normal users!!! Luckily it puts me smack bang where I work best – developing functional, extendable (and most importantly) Windows based apps. I’m now officially in my comfort zone! The…